Friday, January 29, 2010

Graduation Moment

Today is a special day for me and for all the girls that wants be the graduation. Im very happy for all the girls because this graduation

Monday, January 25, 2010

The Kite Runner

  1. Which characters change as the story proceeds? Do they change for the better or the worse? The character who change in the story for the better was Ali because when he was a littler boy he was so bad and when he grew up he change a lot because in America her life was so different than Afganistan.
  2. Who was your favorite character and why? which character did you dislike most throughout the story and why? My favorite character was Hassan because he was a good boy that always was a hard worker.
  3. Which did you enjoy better, the novel or the movie? I think that enjoy me better was the movie. Because i understand much better the story and the movie we can difference every character.
  4. Which is your most favorite scene in the book? In the movie? My favorite scene was in the movie when Hassans' son was in America with Ali in the park teaching how to fly the kite how his dad just to doing.